Friday, September 21, 2007

Satire -- The Daily Show

The Daily Show is an excellent example of satire. This video clip pokes fun at both former NFL football star, murder suspect, and now armed robbery suspect O.J. Simpson and Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Plagiarism Info

As we head into more writing and researching in the course, it is worthwhile being reminded of what constitutes academic fraud. I have posted a few interesting sites to checkout. Especially entertaining are the videos presented by the Rutgers University Libraries. make sure you open in a new tab or window so you can easily navigate back to this page.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Student Focused Learning?

Is this really what people mean when they suggest that we make the lessons student centered? Of course not, but the cartoon should make us realize the dangers of giving in to the belief that students can not be challenged.
This is a fascinating parody of the Harry Potter series and the expanding empire that is Wal-Mart.

Friday, July 13, 2007

What is Plagarism?

To plagiarize is to borrow someone else’s words or ideas without mentioning
his/her name and/or without using quotation marks (“...”).

PLAGIARISM is taking another person’s words, ideas or statistics and passing them off as your own. The complete or partial translation of a text written by someone else also constitutes plagiarism if you do not acknowledge your source.

Since we cannot always be original it is entirely acceptable to present another person’s ideas in your work. However, it must be done properly to avoid plagiarism.

The University of Ottawa has an excellent handout on plagiarism, and how to avoid it.

Stuff Your Classmates Can Use

What are some great things you use to help you in English class? Are there any sites that provide great info for research?

Give the links that you think will be usefull! :-)